Category Archives: 2017-18

May 1st, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

May 1, 2018


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:35pm on Tuesday, May 1st, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   Kathy Jennings moved to approve the April 3, 2018 minutes and Marci Forbes second the motion.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings indicated that there was not a lot of financial activity in the past month, but we did get some matching gifts, which closed in on $2,000.

  • Checking: $37,027.40
  • Savings: $44,742.85


President Jessica Christiansen discussed the budget.  It is estimated that our expenses will total $2,600 between now and the end of the year.  Our income will be $6000 higher than this time last year, even if we do not make anything on the RAT race.  President Jessica suggested that if the RAT Race nets $5,000 (although the goal is $10,000) that we approve a Chrome cart before the end of the year to facilitate purchasing.  We made more money on cookie dough sales than anticipated and the  Bernstein Bash fulfilled its goal.  We have also underspent in a variety of places to make the extra $6,000.  Volunteer Coordinate Marci Forbes proposed that we fund a Chromebook cart.  Vice President Michelle Marsden second the motion.  All were in favor.  (Recap:  Not including this approved purchase, one Chrome cart was purchased this year with PTA funds and two were purchased with the AVID grant.)


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that we will need four more carts next year because of increased student body numbers (we are adding the equivalent of two Language Arts classes) and because there will be some additional loss, due to obsolescence of the first round of purchased Chromebooks.  Next year, the revised technology goal is two carts plus the number what is needed for repair or replacement.


Parent Joelle Alexander reiterated that Drama is launching a drive to replace the traveler curtain, which is estimated to cost $2,000.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes motioned to spend up to $1,500 to top off the $500 that Joelle Alexander has already directly raised and so the curtain can be purchased after June 1st, 2018 and installed over the summer.  Secretary Kara Murray second the motion.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that the Board will prepare a letter regarding funding obligations as of July 1, 2018, so that the 2018-19 budget will be ready for approval at the fall general membership meeting.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that counting procedures will streamline at the RAT Race to reduce number of volunteers needed.  President Jessica Christiansen will count funds at school and Treasurer Kathy Jennings will re-count at home.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings will input all data into a spreadsheet.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes will ask a volunteer to pick up popsicles for the RAT race.


President Jessica Christiansen recommended that there be no June PTA meeting.  All in agreement.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes will host the wine and chocolate event on June 9th.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we need to schedule summer board meeting once we have a board.


President Jessica Christiansen has already begun Bernstein Bash planning.  Suggested dates were Nov 30 or Nov 2nd  depending on facility availability.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that cookie dough sales will occur September 7-21, 2018.  Delivery will be Friday after the 21st.  Parent Julie Loveless will be at the school lead the receipt of orders and distribution of product.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings will manage the spreadsheet and order the product.


President Jessica Christiansen is preparing Thank You cards for kids that roll the lockers forward and is purchasing Scrip through Markham’s PTA.


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that there was a flurry of last minute people who want to join the board.  Treasurer Kathy Jennings, Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes (roll likely to change for next year) and Vice President Michelle Marsden will be the authorized signers at Key Bank.


Membership Volunteer Deb Cox said that Dough for Dollar raised $676.89.  President Jessica Christiansen wants someone dedicated to coordinate restaurant fundraisers next year.  This would involve checking the schedule to make sure that it doesn’t conflict with another school event (ensemble or choir, etc).


A showing of Screenager will occur on May 24th.  Vice President Michelle Marsden will coordinate.  Coffee, Cookies, water will be offered.


Learnstein presentation will incorporated to the 6th grade ice cream social on May 31, which includes current 5th graders.


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes let us know that we still need volunteers for the May staff appreciation on May 10th.  Volunteers also needed for:

  • 5/11 RAT race.
  • 5/11 Awesome Fun Night
  • 5/31 Ice cream social.
  • 6/9 Oaks Park chaperones for 8th grader promotion



Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that students are half way through SBAC testing.  We dipped below state standards for participation last year.  We had 94.2% participation and we need 95% participation.    Coffee Chat is cancelled because Kevin will be at an Educators Conference all day Thurs/Fri.  They have hired Kirsten Parrott, a new 7th grade LA/SS teacher.  1.5 positions in Learning Center and ISC (Intensive Skills Center) still needs to be hired.  Bethany Nelson was hired as a Climate Specialist to work on school behavior.  720 students are projected for next year. Currently we are at 656.


Adjournment was announced at 7:46 pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Membership Coordinator Deb Cox



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)







April 3rd, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

April 3, 2018


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 7pm, Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   Joelle Alexander moved to approve the March 6th, 2018 minutes and Marci Forbes 2nd the motion.


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we need more people to donate fruit for the staff meeting on April 11th.   Specifically pears, grapefruit, mango, plums are needed.


President Jessica Christiansen recapped Learnstein, which was under attended.  It was discussed whether we should we move the event back to the fall and possibly Back to School Night.  However, ensemble handles dinner for back to school night and there is a full agenda, which makes this difficult.   Jessica Christiansen suggested forgoing the dinner and having a Learnstein overview at the first PTA meeting.  Principal Kevin Crotchett suggested keeping it in the spring, but having no dinner and replacing it with an ice cream bar so that grandparents can be invited.  Jessica Christiansen was concerned that late April will conflict with RAT race.  It was suggested that the presentation could be given at the 6th grade scavenger hunt/ice cream social.  Kevin Crotchett will ask Bethany Nelson if she will do the presentation again this year.  Kevin Crotchett suggested having 5 teachers man stations that students and parents would stop by and receive information about Learnstein.  Once they answered a question or found a piece of art, they would receive a token. Each token would get them a topping on their ice cream.  It was decided to implement this at the Family Social on May 31st and advertise it for 5th grade to 8th grade students.  All present agreed.


Vice President Michelle Marsden discussed that we need nominations for board positions for next year.  No nominations at this time.  Michelle will push on social media and email now that Spring Break is over.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed accounts:


  • Savings $44,741.01
  • Checking $35,156.90
  • Earnings from board parties will offset losses of food cost from Learnstein. Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbers indicated that the leftover food went to a homeless shelter and that the shelter was adamant that it would be fully used.


Cultural Day is rescheduled for late opening day on 4/18/18.


RAT (Race for Arts and Technology) Race is coming up on 5/11/18.  Volunteers are needed.  President Jessica Christiansen addressed the need to push full Chrome.  If we can raise $10,000 we can purchase one more Chromebook cart before year end.  Discussion was had about how to motivate the students to run more laps via class prizes.


Membership Coordinator Deb Cox will lead May staff appreciation event.  It will be a Taco bar on May 10th during lunch.  Jessica Christiansen suggested scrapping Restaurant fundraiser in May due to list of events in May.


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that SBAC testing starts Monday.  A letter will be going out on Friday with 5 tips to help students with standardized testing.


Kevin Crotchett has created an archive of all the JMS Artful Learning work over the past 20 years on the Jackson website under the Artful Learning Tab.  If you hover over the picture it will tell you title, date and teacher and/or student.


Adjournment was announced at 8:10 pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Membership Coordinator Deb Cox



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)







March 6th, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes


Jackson Middle School PTA   

General Meeting   

March 6th, 2018   


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:36pm, Tuesday, March 6th, 2018, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings motioned to approve Feb 6th 2018 minutes.  Vice President Michelle Marsden 2nd the motion.  All approved. 


President Jessica Christiansen discussed the upcoming Learnstein event and indicated that she dropped a flyer off at school today to be disseminated. Food for the evening is confirmed.  JMS will send out two emails before the event to advertise it.  The PTA will send out one email advertising Learnstein.  Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes is working on four sign up parties that will be available at Learnstein.   


Marci Forbes is also hosting a wine event on June 9th at 5pm to collect wine for the Bernie Bash in the fall.  It was considered as to whether there should there be a nominal sign up fee so that Marci can determine how many people will attend. $5 donation to JMS was agreed upon.  The event will be open to feeder schools as well.    


Vice President Michelle Marsden talked to Peer Helpers last week in an effort to recruit 8th grade student helpers for Learnstein.  Michelle left the sign up sheets with Miss Kate. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden will post 2018-2019 Board nominations to the Facebook page and will send via email as well. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden has taken on the March 20th staff appreciation event, which will offer Girl Scout cookies, fruit and veggies, along with St. Patrick’s decorations.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the accounts as of 2/28/18: 

  • Savings  $44,739.11  
  • Checking $31,753.89.   

No need to move money back to savings to earn interest, due to low interest environment.  Learnstein and Rat Race funds are still expected to come in and the large expenditures are already accounted for.  


Principals Report: 


Principal Kevin Crotchett discussed staffing numbers for 2018-2019 that were released last Thursday.  The biggest changes for middle schools will be to observe the ¼ of health requirement.  All middle schools will go to a ¼ health-¼ PE semester.  This will cause some scheduling issues because grades can’t be blended for health.  There will be a partial new hire for health.   


Students will no longer be able to take 2 full year electives (Spanish, band, ensemble).  They will be limited to 1 full year elective and it has been determined that this would have impacted 23 students, had this been implemented this year.    


JMS is in growth mode, which limits some of the cuts.  JMS has lost 1.1 FTE for next year because we are no longer considered to have a significant under represented population, which is less than 15% of our population.  This will translate to bigger class sizes.  In addition there is a new funding formula.  (Ex: 100 6th grader, 21-34 kids range= 4 sections).  This helps incoming 6th graders but will hurt next year’s 8th grade.   


School support:  Office staff won’t change but will add .5 counselor (currently staffed at 1.5+.5 =2 for next year).  Assistant Principal Greg Crabtree and Principal Kevin Crotchett have decided to use discretionary FTE to fund a School Climate Specialist (works strictly with behavior to focus on conflict resolution for students).  This Climate Specialist will have a student case load and will also govern and spear head the climate action plan.  Mr. Crotchett has been performing this function, and he will still have an active role along with Assistant Principal Greg Crabtree in assisting the Climate Specialist.  This year, the larger student body has compounded behavioral issues, which has impacted Principal Kevin Crotchett’s ability to manage his other roles, such as teacher coaching.  Next year the student body is expected to be 730.   


Jump Start Day: No formal date has been set yet, but there is no reason for it not to happen.   


March 14th Walk Out Day.  Principal Kevin Crotchett has been working with staff to develop a program to address the day.  The students won’t be allowed to leave campus, but administration recognize the students have a voice.  Two activities have been planned: 

  • Activity 1:   “We as students will have the right for safe schools”-announcement to be made. 
  • Activity 2:  “Walk Out” to the track to recognize 17 students who died in Florida.  Staff will not engage in gun ownership and legislation discussions on this date.  At 9:50pm Principal Kevin Crotchett will make an announcement to honor students and at 10am will encourage students to walk from classrooms to the track in utter silence.  The walk to the track will take about 10 minutes and then students will return to class for a debrief.  All classes will participate. 


There is currently no information on rescheduling Cultural Day, which was cancelled due to snow. 


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that there will be a cash jar at Learnstein as well as credit card reader for dinner and donations.  No admission will be charged on supplemental presentations (ie:  BeSmart and FBI).   


Jessica, needs board nominations for Secretary and Board Nominations.   


Adjournment was announced at 7:19pm 


Present were:   

President Jessica Christiansen   

Vice President Michelle Marsden   

Treasurer Kathy Jennings   

Secretary Kara Murray    


February 6th, 2018 PTA General Meeting Minutes


Jackson Middle School PTA  

General Meeting  

February 6, 2018  


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:30pm, Tuesday, February 6th, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.  


Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes motion to approve the 12/5/17 minutes.  All approved.  Elley Cannon was moved off the agenda as guest speaker and presented prior to the meeting about the Ivy Pull at Jackson scheduled for Saturday, February 10th. 


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the purpose of the two programs supporting the Artful Learning Program.  Bernstein was moved to the fall to avoid conflicting with feeder school auction in the spring, which proved to be financially successful.  Learnstein was moved to the Spring to tie it to Special Friends/Grandparents Day.  The added benefit of this was that many projects will be completed to display to family members.  There is a small fundraising element to Learnstein, which includes dinner for purchase and Teacher Board parties.  Teacher Bethany Nelson will give a presentation and the main focus will remain educational. 


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes has Learnstein food confirmed through last year’s caterer (Chef du Jour).  There will be spaghetti and gluten free options.  The PTA will procure rolls and salad to be served with the spaghetti dinner.  There will be 5 more Teacher Board parties to sell at the event.   Dinner at 5:30pm-7pm.  Tours will happen during this time and will be followed by a music program at 7:15pm. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that there are many volunteer opportunities still available.  The volunteer link is the Jackson Middle School Facebook page.  Principal Kevin Crotchett is in charge of securing the music program for the night. 


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the topic for the April 3rd PTA meeting.  It will be a non-political gun safety presentation titled BeSmart, offered by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. The PTA meeting will be from 6:30pm to 7:00pm, with the presentation to follow.   


Additionally, President Jessica Christiansen indicated on April 11th, 7pm-8:30pm, the organization Circle of Strength is sponsoring a presentation by FBI Special Agent Flint on how to survive an active shooter scenario.  The program is directed at adults and attendees should be at least in the 8th grade or older.  We will invite feeder schools.   

President Jessica Christiansen indicated that on May 24th 6:30pm-7:30pm JMS will be offering the 50 minute long movie Screenagers.  There will be breakout sessions following the movie.  We will invite feeder schools.  JMS students will watch the movie during the day, along with breakout sessions.  PTA will host snacks.   


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that we still need someone to lead the restaurant fundraiser for February and May.  Pizzicato is scheduled for April 24th. 


Membership Coordinator Debora Cox let the PTA know that the directory is complete and has been sent out.  Less than 10 people have called the office for a copy. 


President Jessica Christiansen indicated that the Annual Appeal did not meet its goal.  The PTA is looking for smaller events to fill the technology pot.  Learnstein is the next event and the PTA will put out JMS swag to sell.  Additional swag will need to be ordered.   


Treasurer Kathy Jennings indicated that the 2nd Artful Learning payment, as well as Culture Day, have been paid.  All our major expenses are met for the year.  We need to make back the technology funds that were used towards the Chrome cart at the beginning of the year and would like to purchase one more Chrome Cart.  Rat Race is still to come.  Chromebook carts-The Full Chrome Jackson appeal has generated $1,675 so far.  The discussion was had as to whether a fundraising jar should be at all PTA events, even non-fundraising events.  It was agreed that a donation jar should be discretely present. 


Statement balances: 

  • Savings on 2/1/18 $46,069.15 
  • Checking on 2/1/18 $44,683.59 


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes indicated that there is no lead for the February staff appreciate day, so Marci will buy “Kind” bars to give to staff.  We currently need more Learnstein volunteers and a March hospitality lead.  President Jessica suggested getting the 8th grade parents to do Cinco de Mayo. 


Principal Kevin Crotchett mentioned that the morning routine has changed and this has created some chaos.  Up to 100 kids were arriving early to school.  These early arrivers have been moved to another hallway, so that staff and parents can access the office.  China students have arrived and will be at school on 2/7/18.  Culture Day is on February 21st.  The students get to vote on which classes they would like to participate in.  They will get 1 of their top 3 choices and they rate them 1-10. 


Principal Kevin Crotchett indicated that the school year will likely not be extended, unless there is a weather event.  The district did not want to release the dates until the labor contract had been agreed to.  There will be four teacher planning days next year.  The 2018-2019 school calendar should be coming out soon.  Jump Start for 6th graders will happen if approved by superintendent.  It is not yet determined if Late Starts will be canceled.  Testing starts after Spring Break.  The school will try to tighten up communication around the testing schedule.   


Principal Kevin Crotchett asked to be reimbursed for $179 for a Near Pod subscription, which is a screen sharing software program and Lumineer, a digital photography app to manage digital monitors.  Jessica Christiansen motioned to approve.  Debora Cox 2nd the motion.  All approved. 


Vice President Michelle Marsden indicated that the neighborhood food drive will be in March before Spring Break.  December was successful that Sun School hasn’t needed food for the backpack program.   



Adjournment was announced at 7:37pm  


Present were:  

President Jessica Christiansen  

Vice President Michelle Marsden  

Treasurer Kathy Jennings  

Secretary Kara Murray  

Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes  

Membership Coordinator Debora Cox  



December 5th, 2017 PTA Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

December 5th, 2017


The general meeting of Jackson Middle School PTA was called to order at 6:00pm, Tuesday, December 5th, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.


Vice President Michelle Marsden will put together wording regarding the PTA annual appeal, which will go out before winter break in our PTA email.


Membership Coordinator Debora Cox hopes to have the directory completed by mid January.


Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes motioned to approve the November 4, 2017 meeting minutes and Michelle Marsden 2nd the motion.  Minutes were approved.


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes discussed upcoming volunteer openings and will give Vice President Michelle Marsden wording for next PTA email.

  • We need a volunteer to lead Staff Appreciation meals one day each month Jan-May. We have the lead for April filled, but need to fill other months.  Critically January is needed.  It can be snacks, all the way to a full meal.
  • We need volunteers for the PTA clothing closet for January 8th, ideally at least 5 volunteers.


Principal Kevin Crotchett received the Chrome Cart that was purchased by the PTA.  He has been asked by Fanno Creek Medical Clinic to apply for their grant of $3,800.   We still need one full Chrome Cart to reach our goal and next year we will be adding 3 more sections that will need Chrome Carts, due to projected student growth.


Principal Kevin Crotchett discussed earthquake structural improvements. Parent Melanie DeSilva brought up the question about when the roof reinforcement work would take place since it was postponed by PPS last summer. Kevin said he has heard that it should take place this summer (2018) but there are no guarantees. President Jessica Christiansen suggested that Melanie draft content of a letter for parents or the PTA Board to submit to PPS supporting the work being done ASAP.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the financial balances.  The PTA Savings account register balance as of 11/30/2017 was $44,683.59. The PTA checking register account balance as of 11/30/2017 was $46,069.15.


Bernstein was successful and raised over $21,000 after expenses!!  We expect to come in under budget due to parent donations and it was generally agreed that changing the event to the Fall was financially beneficial.


There will be NO January PTA meeting.  Our next PTA meeting will be Tuesday, February 6th at 6:30pm.


WPPNA Food Drive for Jackson food backpack program will be held Friday, December 8th through Sunday, December 10th. Bins will be out from 8AM-8PM at the Solberg’s house at 4215 SW Comus Street. Please feel free to donate non-perishable food and basic hygiene products.

Schedule of Upcoming Events

  • 12/12 – Dough for Dollars at the Lake Oswego Pizzacato (15180 SW Bangy Rd.). Counts for orders all day!
  • 12/15 thru 1/1/18 – NO SCHOOL for Winter Break



Adjournment was announced at 6:43pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes

Membership Coordinator Debora Cox



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)






November 7th, 2017 PTA General Membership Minutes



Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

November 7th, 2017


The general meeting of Jackson Middles School PTA was called to order at 6:32pm, Tuesday, November 7th, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.


Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes motioned to approve the October 3rd, 2017 meeting minutes and Kathy Jennings 2nd the motion.  Minutes were approved.


Elley Cannon, director of Sun School announced they are adding a Wednesday, girl friendly exercise time.  Elley also discussed adding a Back Pack Food program on a one time trial basis and whether PTA would support this effort.  President Jessica Christiansen recommended following the Markham Elementary example and purchasing back packs and filling a pantry from a food drive and donations. Parents would have to agree to participate.


President Jessica Christiansen announced that a group has approached the JMS PTA about presenting about the upcoming Soda Tax ballot initiative and tried to gage interest in hearing about the topic.  The PTA would need to allow both sides to present.  Secretary Kara Murray expressed interest.  Jessica will facilitate for the groups to attend the February PTA meeting if they are able.


President Jessica Christiansen discussed moving the December PTA meeting to 6pm, in order to avoid conflicting with the Winter Concert.  No disagreement was recorded.


President Jessica Christiansen discussed canceling the January PTA meeting, because the scheduled meeting date falls on the first day back to school after winter break and there will be limited business to discuss.


President Jessica Christiansen lead discussion about whether the year-end Annual Appeal should be moved to next calendar year, since the Bernie Bash is now scheduled for November.  Last year had limited results.  It was decided to keep the Appeal scheduled for December because, statistically, the biggest giving occurs at year end for non-profits.  However, there would be no mailing, but rather a structured electronic ask.  Our goals for the 2017-2018 school year are:

  • $25,000 from the Cookie Dough and Bernstein Bash fundraisers
  • $25,000 for the General Fund
  • $40,000 for the Chrome Book initiative
    • Goal of 4 Chrome Book carts, which include 32 Chrome Books, for a total of $38,800


President Jessica Christiansen brought up the request from Principal Kevin Crotchett to fund a Chrome Book cart now at $9,700, which we have not yet raised, knowing that we keep reserves.  Considerations:

  • Because JMS participates in AVID we received 2 carts from AVID with 24 Chrome Books each.
  • Cookie Dough fundraiser did better than expected by $5,000
  • General Appeal has had limited donations, however.
  • Crotchett receives a budget of $5,000 per school year for Chrome Book replacements.


Vice President Michelle Marsden motioned to approve spending $9,700 now and Volunteer Lead, Marci Forbes 2nd the motion.  All members present approved.


President Jessica Christiansen brought up second request by Principal Kevin Crotchett, to “top off” the two AVID Chrome Book carts, bringing the 24 units to a full cart of 32 units.  The cost of this would be $2,664 per cart, for a total of $5,328.  Jessica suggested tabling this request until after the Bernie Bash.  Principal Kevin Crotchett recommended tabling as well.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the financial balances.  The PTA Savings account register balance as of 10/31/17 was $44,681.76. The PTA checking register account balance as of 10/31/17 was $33,168.45.


President Jessica Christiansen initiated a conversation regarding the JMS Parent Facebook page discussion about the school directory.

  • The past policy has been that the directory was put together by the PTA Membership Lead and offered to the membership as a benefit.
  • The Board discussed offering it electronically through the office at no cost, since there are no printing costs.
  • Since the Facebook discussion a parent submitted a formal complaint to the school. Mr. Crotchett consulted with PPS and it was determined that the current policy is not in violation of district policy.
  • Four options were considered for implementing the policy going forward:
    • Continue current policy of emailing directory to PTA membership.
    • Change policy to PTA Board member prepares directory for electronic distribution to all parents by JMS office at no charge.
    • Change policy and ask for a parent volunteer to prepare directory for electronic distribution to all parents by JMS at no charge.
    • Decline to prepare a directory.
  • Discussions that were had:
    • Members in attendance expressed lack of comfort with emailing the directory to all JMS parents due to the size of the school.
    • It was discussed whether a directory was of benefit in Middle School to the same degree as Elementary School. It was suggested that it still is.
    • Crotchett said that his staff has had 2-5 requests for a directory per year.
    • There is currently no PPS policy.
  • Final Agreement:
    • It was determined that we would continue our current policy of emailing out a directory to PTA membership and sending the parent community an email, announcing that if they are not a PTA member, they would be able to request an electronic copy through the JMS office.


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes notified the PTA that we still need wine and beer for the pull at the Bernstein Bash on Friday 11/17/17.  Marci has Teacher Sponsored sign up Party dates, which will go on sale online on Monday, 11/13/17, and be on sale at the Bash.  Volunteer are needed for the Fun Night and the Bash.


Adjournment was announced at 8:09pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray

Volunteer Lead Marci Forbes



Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)







October 3rd, 2017 PTA General Meeting Minutes

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

October 3, 2017


The general meeting of Jackson Middles School PTA was called to order at 6:29pm, Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.


Member Jason Walters motioned to approve the September 5th, 2017 meetings and Kathy Jennings 2nd the motion.  Minutes were approved.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the financial balances reflecting the revenue from the Cookie Dough Sales.  The PTA Savings account register balance as of 10/3/2017 was $44,679.86. The PTA checking register account balance as of 10/3/17 was $35,900.91.


  • About 200 students participated in the Cookie Dough Sales and they mightily surpassed the sales goal!


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the Cookie Dough Sales.

  • Total Cookie Dough Sales were in excess of $34,000 (sales goal was $25,000!). Net revenue is $17,000


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed our annual Fundraising goals.

  • Annual School Support goal of $25,000. We have now met 80% of that goal with the Cookie Dough sales.
  • Our goal for the Bernstein Bash is $25,000.
  • Our Full Chrome goal (put a full Chrome cart in every Language Arts class) is $40,000.


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed our volunteer needs:

  • Volunteers are needed to staff the Scholastic Book Fair during teacher conferences.
  • Meals for teachers during conferences


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed donations needed for the Bernstein Bash

  • Bottles of wine for the wine pull, valued at $15 or more.
  • Bottles of 22oz beer for beer pull.
  • Desserts that feed up to 8 people, for the Dessert Dash.
  • Bernie Calendars are for sale for $20 each. Proceeds go to the Artful Learning Program.


President Jessica Christiansen announced the number of registered PTA members for this academic year:

  • 142 members, which translates into $1,100 in proceeds for the general fund.


Adjournment was announced at 6:44pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Secretary Kara Murray


Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)







September 5th, 2017 PTA General Meeting Minutes (revised)

Jackson Middle School PTA

General Meeting

September 5, 2017


The general meeting of Jackson Middles School PTA was called to order at 6:52pm, Tuesday, September 5th, 2017, by President Jessica Christiansen.  A quorum of members was present.


Member Dixie Menaker motioned to approve the summer board meeting minutes.  Member Joelle Alexander 2nd the motion.  All in attendance approved.


Principal Kevin Crotchett welcomed the large group of attendees and reviewed the successful first annual 6th grade Jump Start day on 8/30/17.  Photos will be loaded to a secure site for parental viewing soon.


Treasurer Kathy Jennings reviewed the budget.  The proposed 2017-2018 proposed income is $80,730 and expenses are $72,239.  The PTA Savings account register balance as of 8/31/2017 was $44,678.02. The PTA checking register account balance as of 7/31/17 was $2,816.56.


  • President Jessica Christiansen reviewed our fundraising goal of $90,000 for the upcoming school year. This includes $25,000 for the Artful Learning Program, $25,000 for other programs, such as Cultural Day, Library subsidies & Field Trip Scholarships, etc.  In addition, this includes $40,000 for four additional Chrome carts (including 120 Chromebooks) so that each Language Arts class has a dedicated cart.
  • Member Melissa Schmidt motioned to approve the budget and Member Diane Smith 2nd the motion. All in attendance approved.


Ensemble Lead, Dixie Menaker, discussed the Ensemble fundraiser “Taco Night” at Back to School Night and how to RSVP.


Cookie Dough fundraiser Lead, Diane Smith, announced that Cookie Dough sales would kick off Friday, 9/8/17.  Samples will be available at Back To School Night.


President Jessica Christiansen announced that Principal Kevin Crotchett would give a “Kev Talk” at the next PTA meeting on 10/3/17 titled “Surviving the Middle School Years: A Parent’s Guide”


Membership Chair Deb Cox reviewed volunteer options and how to sign up, including directly via the link on the PTA website.


Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes discussed upcoming volunteer needs:

  • 9/20-9/27 Cookie Dough distribution.
  • 9/22 Picture Day.
  • ½ yard mulch still needs to be spread, timing flexible.
  • Clothing Closet at Marshall HS on 9/28 & 1/8
  • Need someone to chair Staff Appreciation hospitality during fall conference week and in the spring (one day per month)
  • Book Fair during fall conferences


President Jessica Christiansen reviewed the upcoming JMS low key “auction”, the Bernie Bash scheduled for Friday, 11/17/17 at the Multnomah Arts Center.  This includes dinner, drinks, music, dancing, a beer pulls, a restaurant pull.  A planning meeting is this Friday, 9/8/17 at Marci Forbes’ house.


Learnstein/Special Friends Night moved from the fall to the spring on 3/15/18.  This offers parents and grandparents a chance to tour the school and view Artful Learning projects.  Mr Crotchett discussed how the Artful Learning program started in 1997.  There are approximately 32 schools who follow this program in the USA and JMS is the only one in Oregon.


President Jessica Christiansen mentioned the Neighborhood Food Drive.


Member Diane Smith recommended that parents attend Mr. Crotchett’s monthly coffee talks.


Adjournment was announced at 7:52pm


Present were:

President Jessica Christiansen

Vice President Michelle Marsden

Treasurer Kathy Jennings

Membership Lead Deb Cox

Volunteer Coordinator Marci Forbes

Secretary Kara Murray


Date Presented:____________________


Approved as Written (or Amended)


