A quick shout out to the hot, sweaty families who came out last Thursday for our Jackson community care day!!! We had a dedicated few who painted, mowed, pulled weeds, pruned trees, cleaned out cracks, whacked weeds and hauled A BUNCH of debris away.
There’s still A LOT of work to be done.
If you have a gas powered trimmer or weed eater, please consider coming by for an hour or two with a yard debris bag or two and whack away!
We will be receiving bark dust in the next several days so watch for a volunteer request for spreading bark dust. This is a GREAT job for middle schoolers to get a few of their volunteer hours in for the year!” – Debora Cox, PTA President
Thank you all so very much. The front of the building looks great! What a team. Thank you as well to those who helped paint the new Spanish classroom. Looks so much better. We are looking like a new school year is about to begin! Thank you JMS community for doing so much for our school and our kids. – Kevin Crotchett, Principal