Principal’s Message

The halls are buzzing with energy as we begin to wrap up an amazing year at Jackson Middle School. This past year has seen so many fantastic successes: from band to ensemble, Battle of the Books to PentaGames, drama productions, Learnstein and PTA/community events, Bernstein Artful Learning projects, awesome fun nights, mock trials, outdoor school, growth and learning. I wish I had counted through the year the number of times a teacher, student, parent, or guest at Jackson commented on our students and school. There is an intense pride for and at Jackson and even the shortest stroll through the halls provides reason.

As the year draws to an end, I thank our students who amaze me every day with their thinking, kindness, and energy for life. Thank you teachers for your intense focus, dedication and love for our kids and teaching. Parents, thank you for every moment you give to your children and to Jackson. Together, each year we make something incredible happen and I am so proud to be a part of it.

Kevin Crotchett

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